Thoughts on DMC1? I always forget how weird this one is with the swimming and the 2 minute missions (2024)

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  1. 6 days ago



    DMC started with 3

    • 6 days ago



      Yep, that's the prequel game.

  2. 6 days ago



    Thoughts on DMC1? I always forget how weird this one is with the swimming and the 2 minute missions (6)

    DMC3 and DMC5 are as good as you remember.

    DMC1 and DmC are better than you remember.

    DMC2 and DMC4 are worse than you remember.

    • 6 days ago



      >DMC5 are as good as you remember.
      5 was always utter garbage.

    • 6 days ago



      >DMC3 and DMC5 are as good as you remember.
      DMC5 is the best one
      >DMC1 and DmC are better than you remember.
      >DMC2 and DMC4 are worse than you remember.
      WRONG DMC4 is extremely good,2nd best of the franchise

    • 6 days ago



      DMC started with 3

      DMC 3 is the only good game in the series
      4 had decent gameplay though

      the rest are sh*t

    • 6 days ago



      I played DmC for the first time like 2 years ago and it's really sh*t.

    • 6 days ago



      Thoughts on DMC1? I always forget how weird this one is with the swimming and the 2 minute missions (7)

      >enjoy playing the rest of the DMC series' games 2 never happened
      >can't get into DMC5 no matter how hard I try
      Bros, what's wrong with me?

      • 6 days ago



        Is it aesthetic? Or does the gameplay being closest to 4 but with tweaked physics feel wrong? Personally I like it because it has my favorite Devil Arm/Gun lineup overall and Nero's got more stuff going on than 4 that makes him more fun to play.

        • 6 days ago



          It was probably aesthetic, in hindsight. I really, really don't like Capcom's RE Engine, I think it renders everything seriously ugly and dull, faces especially, and it wasn't giving me that same vibe I was feeling with the rest of the series. I didn't get that far before I dipped out, the gameplay was good enough on Nero, but it's been too long for me to be as definitive on gameplay as I can be on how I felt on aesthetics. Also, I just do not like Devil Trigger or Bury the Light, I can't get into those.

          I think every game again, 2 isn't real has its strengths and can be enjoyable, even DmC, and I'm sure 5's a great game that's beloved for a reason, but it ain't for me, personally. I feel like I'm doing something wrong by not liking it when it's been voted THE most beloved Capcom game, but I just cannot get into it, and I've tried multiple times.

          • 6 days ago



            It's not the engine, it's the art assets and render settings. Note Rise and SF6 were also RE Engine.

    • 6 days ago



      Thoughts on DMC1? I always forget how weird this one is with the swimming and the 2 minute missions (8)

      • 6 days ago



        Cringe my guy

      • 6 days ago



        5 being weaker than 1 & 3 doesn't make it mediocre, and saying it took over a decade to release as if it was in development that whole time isn't accurate, it was like four years of dev time given 4SE came out in 2015. Unless you mean hype building in which case there's no way any game coming out over a decade after the last is going to meet every inflated expectation.

  3. 6 days ago



    It was meant to be a RE game and it shows. Not a bad game and still leagues better than DMC2 but it did not age well when compared to 3

    • 6 days ago



      >it did not age well when compared to 3
      That's paradoxically why it aged better.

  4. 6 days ago



    >Thoughts on DMC1?
    Legendary game.
    Play it on hard mode and DMD since those modes force you to learn the game.
    Every single enemy in the game has multiple approaches to kill them.
    There are sh*tloads of hidden mechanics to learn like the insta kill, enemy step, reload cancel etc. There are also various ways to use the DT gauge which I won't spoil for you.
    It's a Kamiya game through and through which means it rewards out of box thinking.
    Doing all the secret missions and having a full health bar is REQUIRED for DMD otherwise you'll be killed in 1 hit by the most basic mannequin enemies.

    • 6 days ago



      also forgot to mention that EVERY SINGLE MOVE in the game has it's uses, even Roundtrip

      • 6 days ago



        It's not like there are that many moves in the game.

        • 6 days ago



          So? I'd rather take less moves if they are all useful than bloated messes like other DMC games and 3D Ninja Gaiden games and even Bayonetta. DMC1 just has that tightly designed Arcade edge that no other "character action" games does.
          It's tightly paced, each move is useful, every enemy has multiple ways of attacking you and you have multiple ways of attacking them and the game is generally well designed AND the music and atmosphere are awesome.

        • 6 days ago



          That's what makes it good.

    • 6 days ago



      So? I'd rather take less moves if they are all useful than bloated messes like other DMC games and 3D Ninja Gaiden games and even Bayonetta. DMC1 just has that tightly designed Arcade edge that no other "character action" games does.
      It's tightly paced, each move is useful, every enemy has multiple ways of attacking you and you have multiple ways of attacking them and the game is generally well designed AND the music and atmosphere are awesome.

      sh*tty simon says design doesnt belong in action games.

  5. 6 days ago



    >2 minute missions

    I actually fricking love how short the game is overall, I could knock a playthrough right now and still have the rest of the night ahead of me. None of its successors and contemporaries are like that. Viewtiful Joe is only a little longer but I start feeling fatigue by The Magnificent Five.

  6. 6 days ago



    A genuinely bad game, and somehow DMC2 manages to be even worse. It's amazing that this series ever got off the ground with a start like this

    • 6 days ago



      5 sucked dick. Only zoomers and fake fans like it.

      • 6 days ago



        Gatekeeping is cringe as frick

        • 6 days ago



          Schizo autist.

          • 6 days ago



            That'll teach em

  7. 6 days ago



    It's the best game in the series IMO.
    I dig the leftover RE-vibes.

  8. 6 days ago



    I hate character switching

    I'd rather play a 1:1 recreation of Space Harrier's first stage than a single level as Nero

  9. 6 days ago



    1 = 3 > 5 >>>> 4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DmC >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> liteteral sh*t >>>>>>>>>>>>> 2

    • 6 days ago



      Midwit take

      • 6 days ago



        >Midwit take
        It's literally your take.
        What kind of idiot can not see how 4 regressed from 3 and how 5 just gave up on game design and just gave you OP sh*t like World Of V to further dab on non reactive punching bag enemies.
        1 and 3 are the only real masterpieces in the series and 4 is incredibly flawed but still has good combat on DMD. 5's DMD is a joke, 5's Royal Guard is a joke, V is a joke, 5's enemy design is a joke, 5 has no level design after the first half, the whole game becomes a sh*tty tree area repeated ad nauseum. 4 also shat the bed design wise because they repeated the first half of the game again but they at least didn't have infinite budget and sh*t loads of dev time for 4

      • 6 days ago



        Thoughts on DMC1? I always forget how weird this one is with the swimming and the 2 minute missions (9)

        Correct. Thinking that 5>4>3>>>>>>1>>2 is indeed a midwit take.

  10. 6 days ago



    Never played any DMC games. Do we ever find out if he cries or not?
    Will they ever make a game call The devil Will Cry?

    • 6 days ago



      You actually do

      • 6 days ago



        Interesting. Thanks

  11. 6 days ago




  12. 6 days ago



    >Switch ports for 1 and 2 were just ports
    >For 3, Itsuno went "nah, you're not gonna do this to my baby" and actually added new features
    Itsuno is a blessed man.

    • 6 days ago



      >For 3, Itsuno went "nah, you're not gonna do this to my baby" and actually added new features
      Which suck dick and ruin the game.

  13. 6 days ago



    I think zoomers have a weird perspective of these games. I was around in the early 00s.

    DMC1 was a great game that moved action games forward.

    DMC2 was a mis-step.

    DMC3 was a huge step forward that made the previous two games obsolete, apart from atmospheregays who still liked DMC1.

    DMC4 was a backtracking disappointment that did nothing new.

    I never played DMC5 but it looks like it did nothing new.

    • 6 days ago



      DMC5 perfected the gameplay and 1,3, and 4 obsolete. Only moronic zoomers think otherwise because they're blinded by "muh atmosphere"

      • 6 days ago



        >DMC5 perfected the gameplay
        lol, lmao even
        It only "perfected" it for utter plebs who only mash buttons on normal and have 0 knowledge how these games work.

        • 6 days ago



          Too bad 5 is the most popular game and you have no idea what you're talking about lmaooo

          • 6 days ago



            >Too bad 5 is the most popular game
            Cod and Fortnite are more popular than DMC so they are better right?
            >and you have no idea what you're talking about lmaooo
            That's you. You have 0 knowledge of what makes DMC 1 and 3 good.

            sh*tty simon says design doesnt belong in action games.

            >sh*tty simon says design doesnt belong in action games
            Right which is why DMC1 let's you have different approaches to fights without gimping you.
            NG 2 Master Ninja is the most Simon Says action game because it basically forces you to OT and UT spam for i-frames because of the Incendiary Shuriken Ninja spam.
            In DMC1 you can fight the first boss Phantom with only DT Air Hike Helm Splitters or you can opt for Ifrit's Charging Fireball shots and both approaches do sh*t loads of damage. You can also decide to counter it's fireball and frick him up that way or you can even decide to spam the Hellfire attack around Phantom with Ifrit, which is the safest way afaik but it takes longer.

            • 6 days ago



              >sh*t at games
              >eternally mindbroken by ninja gaiden

              • 6 days ago


                You are a mongoloid.
                I actually like NG2 more than DMC but that doesn't mean that Master Ninja is not a Simon Says fest. But ,of course, morons like you can only think in binaries.

              • 6 days ago


                Thoughts on DMC1? I always forget how weird this one is with the swimming and the 2 minute missions (10)

                >I actually like NG2 more than DMC but that doesn't mean that Master Ninja is not a Simon Says fest. But ,of course, morons like you can only think in binaries.
                have a nice day ninja dog.

              • 6 days ago


                You are mind broken and mentally ill.
                You literally can not conceive that people may enjoy more than one series of action game.

              • 6 days ago


                I'm a huge DMC fan and I actually prefer DMC1 over NG2. But that doesn't mean DMD DMC1 is not a Simon Says fest. All you do is noob tube spam with dodge roll animation skip.

              • 6 days ago


                >All you do is noob tube spam with dodge roll animation skip.
                But you can't do that all the time?
                Shadows and Plasmas and the Sin Scissors and the Frozen Blades prevent you from doing that. You can only do that with mannequins and mini boss spider enemies. Plus the level design itself prevents you from doing that in corridors and hallways.
                The only really broken sh*t is the one attack + 360 roll cancel, that sh*t is broken and enemies can't deal with that so I don't use that one.

        • 6 days ago



          >It only "perfected" it for utter plebs who only mash buttons on normal
          Complete nonsense take.

          Not only does DMC5 have the most mechanics in the series it also has the most amount of technically oriented ones. No one that stops at Devil Hunter will be using Swords Formation, Bringer Knuckle or Quad S. Even V was only made easy to play to be more palatable since he's weird as frick.

          • 6 days ago



            >no inertia
            >no reversals

          • 6 days ago



            >No one that stops at Devil Hunter will be using Swords Formation
            >literally just a sh*tty autocombo feature to make juggles brainless

            • 6 days ago



              I don't think you know what SF is.

              • 6 days ago


                That's what SF literally is at its baseline, yes.

              • 6 days ago


                3/4 modes of SF don't help with combos at all you absolute moron.

                Or are you so ignorant of DMC5 you're confusing it with the DSD Swordmaster moves?

              • 6 days ago


                >3/4 modes of SF don't help with combos at all you absolute moron.
                >preventing knockback with a hitstun/launch/round trips/ "doesnt help" with combos according to the absolute sh*tter
                >doesnt even know about desyncing
                just how sh*t are you? lmao

              • 6 days ago


                >preventing knockback with a hitstun/launch/round trips/ "doesnt help"
                That's not SF dumbfrick.

                >implying swordmaster isnt the most common style when it comes to combos
                >implying interceptor isnt used in combos
                >implying extra dash isnt used in combos
                >implying sf rg isnt used in combos
                JUST HOW sh*t Are you? lmao I would genuinely murder your entire family

                >swordmaster isnt the most common style when it comes to combos
                That's not really relevant to the discussion.

                >interceptor isnt used in combos
                Barely. Interceptor does a single thing, and it's primarily a crowd control mechanic. Void combo showcases are really super import.

                >extra dash isnt used in combos
                Like I guess? Again, not an "auto-combo" mechanic at all.

                >sf rg isnt used in combos
                It literally no offensive abilities. It's entirely passive buffs. What is it helping with, decreasing stagger while being hit?

                >subhuman is implying sword formation is just the DSD swordmaster moves
                >when just being in SM while having DSD equipped (not selected) adds a sword formation follow up to like 95% attacks
                have a nice day my god

                >subhuman is implying sword formation is just the DSD swordmaster moves
                Do you even know how to fricking read?

                >just being in SM while having DSD equipped (not selected) adds a sword formation follow up to like 95% attacks
                What the frick are you talking about now?

                Are you even following this conversation?

              • 6 days ago


                *Void combo showcases aren't really super important.

                *It literally has no offensive abilities.

              • 6 days ago


                >>That's not really relevant to the discussion.
                >implying swordmaster isnt the most common style when it comes to combos
                >That's what SF literally is at its baseline, yes.
                Are you, redditor?

              • 6 days ago


                Am I what? A mongoloid like you? Nope.

                SF, even in SM, is just a buff. It changes (generally improves) most of the effects of special attacks and combo finishers but nothing about that "auto-combos". The other SF buffs can only be used for extending combos in very limited ways, since they're intended to improve with the specific niches of the other styles.

                If you don't use the other styles, that's your skill issue. But that doesn't change anything about how the ability works.

              • 6 days ago


                >>Are you even following this conversation?
                >Are you?
                >Am I what?
                okay, mongoloid.
                >nothing about that "auto-combos"
                lol just input random attacks and enjoy the free juggles, nothing about it is an auto combo... for sure...

                >If you don't use the other styles, that's your skill issue. But that doesn't change anything about how the ability works.
                thats beside the initial point where you claimed that no casual will bother to use SF when in fact SF is extremely braindead and accessible at its base level.

              • 6 days ago


                >lol just input random attacks and enjoy the free juggles, nothing about it is an auto combo
                Again, it's a passive buff. It literally doesn't even have a its own button. You also only get it in DT or if you activate it separately.

                This is like saying Nero's Bringer Claw will "auto-combo". Or any other DT improvement that works similarly.

                >no casual will bother to use SF when in fact SF is extremely braindead and accessible at its base level
                They'll use SF in a without really knowing what it does. Because again, it's a buff that's automatic to DT.

              • 6 days ago


                >This is like saying Nero's Bringer Claw will "auto-combo".
                Not at all since it requires a manual input and the timing knowledge every single time you want to execute it. Meanwhile SM SF is an automatic followup so yes it is an auto combo.

              • 6 days ago


                >Not at all since it requires a manual input
                That's Bringer Knuckle, buddy.

                >SM SF is an automatic followup so yes it is an auto combo
                Except all it does is add some damage/stagger/style to the attack you're already doing.

              • 6 days ago


                Point me to a move or ability that is called "Bringer Claw" in game.

                >Except all it does is add some damage/stagger/style to the attack you're already doing.
                It adds actual attacks with their own properties with no additional button presses required besides the initial dt/sf activation.

              • 6 days ago


                Thoughts on DMC1? I always forget how weird this one is with the swimming and the 2 minute missions (11)

                >Point me to a move or ability that is called "Bringer Claw" in game.
                No problem pal, I have the game open right now. 🙂

                >It adds actual attacks with their own properties with no additional button presses required
                Yes? That's not an auto-combo. It's not like you're pressing a button and the game does things for you. It improves your attacks which is exactly what DT is supposed to do.

              • 6 days ago


                oof gonna take the L here

                > It's not like you're pressing a button and the game does things for you
                except it is like that, you knock back an enemy with long barrel and it gets automatically launched with no extra input. you do thunderclap against a launched enemy and it's automatically kept in air while the orbs are still coming out. and so on. it doesnt improve the attacks themselves in the same way DT or buffs like ignition do by enhancing the properties of the moves.

              • 6 days ago


                I mean this is just what I've been saying already. I still fail to see the problem here at all.

                >it doesnt improve the attacks themselves in the same way DT or buffs like ignition do by enhancing the properties of the moves.
                Yeah, it's different, that's kind of the point. On top of being tied to styles, the swords also will not work if you're using DSD's SM attacks (Bringer Claw, Bringer Knuckle and Hold work this same way too for that matter).

                SF is a really good ability. It deals with a ton of problems Dante had in DMC4 and expands what he can do without being too gamebreaking. If you know about it can improve what you do a lot but there's so much in the game a first-time player will barely notice it.

              • 6 days ago


                Fair enough anon. Thanks for the discussion. Also want to apologize for sperging out and being rude earlier, and thank you for not stooping to my level. Have a good day

              • 6 days ago


                Thoughts on DMC1? I always forget how weird this one is with the swimming and the 2 minute missions (12)

                Bye kiddo.

              • 6 days ago


                >implying swordmaster isnt the most common style when it comes to combos
                >implying interceptor isnt used in combos
                >implying extra dash isnt used in combos
                >implying sf rg isnt used in combos
                JUST HOW sh*t Are you? lmao I would genuinely murder your entire family

              • 6 days ago


                >subhuman is implying sword formation is just the DSD swordmaster moves
                >when just being in SM while having DSD equipped (not selected) adds a sword formation follow up to like 95% attacks
                have a nice day my god

          • 6 days ago



            >Not only does DMC5 have the most mechanics
            Which are useless because the enemies are punching bag hom*osexuals and can't even punish your blunders because you have free royal guard at all times.

            • 6 days ago



              >teleporting enemies are punching bags
              >heavy multi-phase enemies are punching bags
              >unjuggleable enemies are punching bags
              >you have RG "all the time" when you aren't even playing as Dante most of the time (inb4 b***hing about that because you can't learn other characters)
              >implying parries aren't a thing
              >implying you know anything about DMC5

              • 6 days ago


                >unjuggleable enemies are punching bags
                Yeah, then you simply move backwards, build meter and push their sh*t in with OP ranged attacks
                In DMC1's DMD whenever you move back to do this a fricking basic manneqin enemy unzips it's shotgun and blasts you for 1/4 of your entire maxed healthbar because that game doesn't let you be a hom*osexual. And when you fight other enemies beside the manneqins, the game in general doesn't let you do this because of small areas.

      • 6 days ago



        >5 perfected the gameplay.

  14. 6 days ago



    Thoughts on DMC1? I always forget how weird this one is with the swimming and the 2 minute missions (13)

    I didn't remember Nightmare being difficult, his moves aren't that difficult in retrospect but they are weird as frick compared to the rest of the game and definitely catch you off guard

    • 6 days ago



      He is a kino boss, what you do with him is that you attack his core with only your strongest attacks until it changes colour.
      Then you let it grab you to do the mini boss battle, which will fill your DT and reset the core so you can shatter it again while it's blue.
      Or you can just be a giga chad and just frick his sh*t up while dodging 100000 milisecond fast big ass orbs and sh*t.
      If you are fighting nightmare 3 save 1-2 holy waters and use those on his final final phrase when he always has his core exposed.

  15. 6 days ago



    Thoughts on DMC1? I always forget how weird this one is with the swimming and the 2 minute missions (14)


    • 6 days ago



      Boomers be like
      >wow these graphics are straight fire!

      • 6 days ago



        I don't think a boomer would talk like that you disingenuous dense motherfricker

      • 6 days ago



        That's not even what the original game looks like. That screenshot is much higher res, implying it's either emulation or one of the re-releases. The actual PS2 game is way more crunchy and in 4:3 and still a vastly better game than what zoomers put up with.

  16. 6 days ago



    Best game in the series because it's the only one that had the animated menu weapons

  17. 6 days ago



    Played this for the first time last year. Camera sucks but the game isn't as hard as people told me. 2 wasn't as bad as people said but was braindead easy and 3 was hard as sh*t but definitely was the best one

  18. 6 days ago



    Stinger, grenade launcher, stinger, grenade launcher, stinger, grenade launcher.

  19. 6 days ago



    Thoughts on DMC1? I always forget how weird this one is with the swimming and the 2 minute missions (15)

    Somehow doesn't get enough credit for what it did even though most people see it as the starting point for a type of action game. The only issues with it in my eyes are how slow it is to swap guns, how any given room only has one enemy type in it instead of doing some mixing and matching, and the swimming mission. It's a really well-made game all things considered. I shudder to imagine the world we'd live in if the version that didn't have a jump button and included QTEs in the cutscenes came out instead.

    All that said I think 3 & 5 at their peaks are more fun because I just like Dante's arsenals in those games a lot (and 5 has a complete-feeling Nero as well, plus I don't hate V like many seem to).

    • 6 days ago



      >Somehow doesn't get enough credit for what it did
      Because most people played it on normal and used items and called it a day without actually learning the game and seeing all it has to offer.

  20. 6 days ago



    It was the second best to DMC3.

    S Tier: Dmc1, Dmc3, GH, NGB
    A Tier: Dmc4, GOW3
    B Tier: NMH, Dmc5, MGRR, GOW 1&2, NG2, HFR
    C Tier: NMH 2&3, DmCR, NG3
    D Tier: Dmc2

    • 6 days ago



      Sell me on GOW3 please.

  21. 6 days ago



    DMC5 is a fricking masterpiece and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

  22. 6 days ago



    Thoughts on DMC1? I always forget how weird this one is with the swimming and the 2 minute missions (16)

    it was a very fun game, but I'm too casual to handle anything about Normal. Also all of Griffon and Nightmare's boss battles suck and inhibit from playing through the game again. The former is just awkward camera angles to the point I'm surprised I beat him all three times without dying. Nightmare is just awful, especially 3 when there's barely any room to move, Trish gets involved, and where they decided the camera angles should shift.

    • 6 days ago



      A C average into S-ing Mundus? How'd you manage that?

      • 6 days ago



        After getting my sh*t rocked and game overing to Mundus multiple times I finally said 'Frick it' and used Devil Trigger right out the gate once the battle started. Mundus died in like 5 seconds and bam 'S Rank'. Everything else is me trying my absoulute best to play through without any help from items, but Nelo Angelo 3 broke me.

  23. 6 days ago


    Nora Kisaragi

    Devil May Cry 2 is a good game.

  24. 6 days ago



    One of the best action games ever made.

  25. 6 days ago



    1, Masterpiece
    2, trash
    3, Masterpiece
    4, unfinished
    5, Masterpiece

  26. 6 days ago



    I don't use this term often, but I think DMC1 is really clunky. It just feels awkward to play, and I despise the camera. It feels like I'm fighting the camera and not the enemies most of the time.
    People also say that this game has better enemy design than the other games in the series, but I don't really see it. The only reason the enemies seem more "aggressive" is because Dante isn't really overpowered like he is in the other games.
    Other than that, it's a fine game, I guess. It was the first real action game, so I can't go too hard on it.

    • 6 days ago



      >People also say that this game has better enemy design than the other games in the series, but I don't really see it.
      You not seeing it doesn't mean it's not true,
      Have you done all the secret missions in 1? Since they give up some secret tech you can use against the enemies if you haven't figured them out yourself.

  27. 6 days ago



    Thoughts on DMC1? I always forget how weird this one is with the swimming and the 2 minute missions (17)

    Done. Good game although there was definitely a ice weapon cut, it's so fricking obvious
    >Nightmare ice attacks
    >Ice goons are the toughest ones
    >Other areas had elemental themes such as fire spider and Electric bird

    • 6 days ago



      There were three cut weapons in DMC1, but we don't know if they were ice-themed. Death Sentence was originally going to be usable as a long-sword (even had a different model that was green and black), a pair of SMGs, and a shoulder-mounted energy cannon that probably got replaced by Nightmare-B.

      • 6 days ago



        >Death Sentence was originally going to be usable as a long-sword (even had a different model that was green and black)

        >a shoulder-mounted energy cannon that probably got replaced by Nightmare-B
        It's mentioned that was the case in the artbook.

        • 6 days ago



          Thoughts on DMC1? I always forget how weird this one is with the swimming and the 2 minute missions (18)

          You can switch the image file in the PC version to see it. Obviously it still has the same description as the key item. We know it was a weapon because it's normally in the same image reg as Force Edge, Ifrit, Alastor, etc. If you use the model regs it looks like it was replaced by Yamato at some point for Sparda.

          • 6 days ago



            Thoughts on DMC1? I always forget how weird this one is with the swimming and the 2 minute missions (19)

            >We know it was a weapon because it's normally in the same image reg as Force Edge, Ifrit, Alastor, etc.
            I see.

            Here's the artbook page in question.

        • 6 days ago



          Thoughts on DMC1? I always forget how weird this one is with the swimming and the 2 minute missions (20)

          Look on the dmc wiki page

  28. 6 days ago



    >Filtered by Phantom as a kid
    >Filtered a good chunk of years later by him again after a friend recommended the games (this was before 4 came out)
    >Filtered yet again about a decade later
    >Try it again a little later after moving onto 3SE and 4SE
    >Push through Phantom but quit after Nelo 1
    >Try it again before 5 comes out
    >Finally finished it but really didn't like it
    >Tried it again years later and ended up loving it

    Its my second favourite of the series now but it was a rough ride getting there.

    • 6 days ago



      >Its my second favourite of the series now but it was a rough ride getting there.
      Kamiya game's tend to be like that.
      I didn't like Bayonetta all that much because I didn't even know about dodge offset until NSIC. Once I learned about Dodge Offset NSIC clicked and Bayo 1 became one of my favorite games.

      • 6 days ago



        I like his games but none of them come close to DMC for me.

Thoughts on DMC1? I always forget how weird this one is with the swimming and the 2 minute missions (2024)
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Article information

Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Views: 6594

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (59 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.